Da vi broderer navne på en stor del af vores produkter, har vi været så heldige at opbygge et helt unikt navnekartotek, som vi med glæde deler med dig.
Vores kunder kommer fra mange forskellige lande, og det afspejles i vores kartotek, der både indeholder velkendte, smukke navne fra Norden og unikke perler fra forskellige kulturer og traditioner i andre dele af verden.
Vi har efterhånden samlet en imponerende liste af navne, der afspejler mangfoldigheden i vores globale samfund. Vi håber, at denne liste kan give dig lidt inspiration i jagten på det perfekte navn til dit barn.
Havnegade 98
5000 Odense C / Denmark
Mail: webshop@saga-copenhagen.com
Phone: +45 42 61 35 55
Opening hours:
Mon-Fri: 09.00-14.30
Sat-Sun: Closed
Holidays: Closed
VAT no.: DK40481478
Our brand case
Our colors and material choices are carefully selected, our great love for high-quality textiles is our trademark. Every single thread in our products is prepared to create the best and healthiest products for your child and home.
Protect your child from dangerous chemicals
Young children don't just observe the world, they touch it, taste it and bite it. Therefore, they are extra exposed to all the chemistry that is in many of the products they surround themselves with. You can protect yourself and your child as best as possible by choosing Saga products that are organic and free of harmful chemicals.
Support social responsibility
All our products are produced in GOTS certified factories, which ensures good working conditions for all the factories we collaborate with. At the same time, the entire process of the product is produced organically, from the seed being planted in the cotton field until it lands in your hands.