We donate a Tree every time you place an order
For every order sold, we plant a tree. Well, actually you plant your own tree,
in our SAGA forest. In a bid to offset our CO2, we partnered up with Tree-Nation to support their forestry efforts.

Why are we doing this?
At Saga Copenhagen, we strongly believe that a company’s actions should not negatively impact the environment. Entering the textile industry, we knew it wouldn't be easy. Although we continuously strive to reduce our CO2 emissions, we are aware that the textile industry as a whole can take a toll on our planet. That’s why we now want to make a positive contribution to the environment, the climate, and future generations, by involving our customers in the process so we can start reforesting the planet together! You probably already know us and where our hearts are! Our motivation is to be sustainable and deliver organic products of high quality to new generations all over the world. Our greatest aspiration is to set an example for the textile industry showing our care for the health of the planet and the children on it, proving that it is possible to produce textiles without damaging the environment and the future of new generations. We see it as our responsibility to set an example and put words into action and set new standards in production and in business, so that our children and grandchildren will inherit a better world and will not have to clean up the mess of past generations.

What is Tree-Nation?
We have partnered up with Tree-Nation, an organization dedicated to fighting climate change and reforesting the world. Tree-Nation facilitates tree planting projects all around the world. Their main focus is on the tropic region, since trees grow much faster there, thus capturing CO2 much faster – and we hope you agree that we are in a hurry to make a difference! Another reason for Tree-Nations choice of the tropic regions is that these areas are suffering from heavy deforestation and therefore 85% of our terrestrial biodiversity is threatened, with many species on the brink of extinction. We would like to help them change this. Tree-Nation has made the experience of planting a tree super easy and user-friendly so that more and more people will make a difference and reforest the world. With four major projects in Nicaragua, Colombia, Niger and Madagascar, and with over 110.000 people and 1.000 companies engaged, we believe this organisation can make a meaningful impact on a global scale.

How it works?
When you have placed an order on our website you will first receive a confirmation email from us with details on your order. A little later you will receive a separate email from Tree-Nation with the title 'SAGA Copenhagen offered you a tree on Tree-Nation' – should you not receive this in your inbox within one hour, please check your spam filter or under promotions etc. Please open this email to get to the Tree-Nation webpage where you can now virtually plant your own tree in the SAGA Copenhagen forest. After virtually planting your tree, you can find all the information regarding the real tree: the specific details, its location and a link to the tree certificate. We hope you will be as excited as we are about our tree planting initiative that we consider an important step to minimize the damage and in specific carbon footprint of our production methods today, to ensure a brighter future for the earth and the children we have born into it. As soon as you make your first purchase, we can start reforesting the planet – making a difference - together!

Visit our forest here ⚘   

SAGA Copenhagen ♡